
Friday, April 23, 2010


I have decided that I am going to join a local weight loss competition. It is an annual thing with nice shinny prizes and a $100 entrance fee. It includes like 4 group training sessions a week. I am hoping that the combination of competition, scheduled training, and hanging with other people who have similar goals will help me. Will it work? Maybe. The bigger issue for me is how to stop eating. I am hungry all the time....Im not exagerating. I am always hungry. I can eat a whole large pizza and be starving half an hour later. I wonder if it is a medical problem or if everyone feels this way and just controls it better. I will pork out on salad too...not just junk. I am constantly starving.
I have discovered I am lactose intolerant. It sucks, and it doesnt. Cutting out dairy can only help my weight loss efforts. Tell me all you want that milk helps weight loss, its crap. Cows milk is meant to do only one thing: Turn a 60 pound calf into a 600 pound cow. Cows milk is meant for cow babies! It is not meant to be slurped down by the gallon by 300 pound overweight women. People get grossed out when a chef makes cheese out of his wifes breast milk and lets people sample it...yet we drink gallons of a dirty animals breast milk without a thought. I have always loved milk, but after thinking about it I know I can live without it.
I have no readers, so I wonder why I even write this. Maybe someday someone will read it and know that they are not alone. That would be nice. Right now I feel alone. I read some great blogs. I read pastaqueens blog, and dietgirl. I love them. But they are women who have already made this journey. They are no longer standing at the starting line knowing that they may never finish the race. I am such a cry baby. lol
I will try to post more often....and actually start losing weight on this weight loss blog. :)

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